Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dots and more dots and recycled dots!

While I am sitting here and waiting for word and the PC in general to work with me (saving some files, printing some stuff... but the PC won't cooperate with word anymore. Hey, both systems I use are from the same company, please stop being so bitchy to each other!) I thought I could upload pictures from the stuff I made over the last weeks. At the moment my blog is not really up to date but this may change hopefully after christmas :)

So here we go: Some little tags I made. 

I used some old gift wrapping paper, glued it on recycled cardboard (we all have enough of this kind of card board at home!) and cut out little circles.

Then I cut out little squares with some "spike-like" structures and painted them silver with a silver edding. And no need to be careful about the spikes (or whatever I should call them), just cut them freehand, they'll always look perfect! :)

I cut another square (without the funny spikes this time) out, so I cut glue both suqares together.

Between the card board squares I put my little circles and some yarn...


Really fast, just a sweet little tag made :)