Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Changing favorites - earrings

Most of the time I have one favorite pair of earrings which I wear really, really often. This one I made from some free advertising cards (I'll show you some... ehm... a lot more... over the next time ^^). Advertising and / or free postcards are made from sturdy paper or cardboard which is perfect for crafting. I glue some recycling card board on the back (or sometimes also some old plastics) to get more stability. I also like to crate a nice back site (but not with this ones).

On the top I put either 3D laquer or diamond glaze... but I have to say I am not that impressed by diamond glaze. The only real advantage: it dries in 2 to 3 hours instead of 12 to 24 hours (with the 3D laquer). Also it likes winter more than my 3d laquer... somehow it dries not too nice anymore since the temperatures dropped... but I can completly understand that attitude: I don't like the cold either! ^^

Some litte edit: 
The glittering stuff I put next to the woman's face is glowing in the dark! ^^

I'll test some more stuff in the future... because I really love the glas like surface over the paper :)

If you have any ideas for me: I would love to hear and try them! :) (I'll try some resin casting for example but therefor I want to make a lot of stuff before because for just one or two pieces it is too much effort).

Oh... and this is just an ongoing project (or rather process? ^^) of crocheting strange stuff. Yes, someday they should be something like sea anemones or corals pillow case for cuddling... and until then... it is just strange crochet stuff which teaches me more freestyle crochet and just looks funny on my computer... oh... and my cats are in love with the stuff as well! They think it is perfect to play and drag away ^^