Monday, September 6, 2010

Some more stencils...!

I made some more stencils. I don't know what to do with them now. I am tempted to make some cards or to paint some fabric with them. I'll see. But I will make some more trees so I can arrange them in layers over each other.

But this time I added some critters to my growing stencil collection. All of the basics for the stencils of the critters were images from the blog of the graphics fairy.

Just print the image you want to make into a silhouette stencil. Cut it out with a sharp paper knife. And I know, i am repeating myself, but I think this is import: Don't be too acurate! And don't try to cut too small details.

See, I didn't cut out the whiskers. They are too thin and would just break if you try to cut them. If you really want to have whiskers in the end, just add them with a pen ^^

After cutting the cat out turn the paper. You will get two stencils. One stencil for the "inner" cat...

...and a second stencil for the "outer" cat.

From the bees: The drone...

...and the bee queen.

A dragonfly... also with reduced details. No legs, a small head... but you can see, it is definitly a dragonfly! An object can be reduced to a simple silhouette without loosing it's nature (or it's beauty!).

Everybody needs a key. There are endless projects for a key possible ^^