Friday, January 20, 2012

Link Round-Up: January 20, 2012

Solar Radiation Gel Pills by Vaulot & Dyèvre
“Moodiness, flaccid skin, looking dull, tendency to depression! You are obviously in lack of sunshine. Our range of supplements Kelvin Lumen restores the vitality you need. Sunset Laboratories offers a wide range of solar radiation, Borabora, the Maldives, Haiti and the Bahamas, ask your pharmacist. Read the instructions carefully. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This additional Solar should not totally replace natural exposure. Avoid abusive use.”

Download 400+ Pages of Original AKIRA Storyboards

Firefly designs on merchandise. Stumbled across this Firefly inspired design by Nana Leonti. Available on a T-shirt, hoodie, iphone case, art print, and more. There is also a "Keep flying and stay shiny" design by Perdita on the same site here.

Dr. Horrible kawaii fan-art. Boulet, a french cartoonist, did several kawaii fan-arts about show he likes, including a Firefly one in october. Now it's Dr. Horrible's turn.

Possibly inspired by Al Gore, Apple announces a new iTunes U app, textbooks for iBooks 2.0, and iBooks Author, so you can create your own interactive books.

A one-of-a-kind, 35-foot-long camera that exposes 6-foot-tall negatives. The detail in a portrait subjects’ eyeball alone is a thousand times greater than what you get with the average negative. Resulting portraits will be featured on prints 2 stories tall. Photographer Dennis Manarchy is traveling around the country documenting various cultures.

Shyamalan shares Concept Art From His Post Apocalyptic Will Smith Movie

Turbo Sculpture is an essay by Aleksandra Domanović about sculptures of pop culture heroes, e.g. Bruce Lee, Rocky Balboa and Bob Marley, which have been placed or proposed in the nation-states that once comprised Yugoslavia. You can also watch a photo-illustrated reading of the essay voiced by a dead-pan British man.