Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pop-up bird!

I am surrounded by chaos. There are two main sources (if you look one step down of the main source = me ^^): Crafting items and scientific paper stuff. Mh...

While I tried to get rid of a little bit of the chaos (forcing a lot of energy against the entropy)... I stumpled over this card. There was this though... I like the bird and the silhouette, but the background is... strange at best.

It is a free card like there are many ones in cafes and stores (you have them too?). 
This one is an edcard from   saxony about the wildlife in saxony....

I just cut out the bird with the tree...

...pressed a line in the cardboard...

Not even a five minute project... it only took a minute ^^

Added to my ever growing picture wall...*

*if you find a spider or a spiderweb, feel free to take it! ^^