Monday, October 18, 2010

Cute little bones II - paper bag

Here is the next "cute little bones" project. It developed from itself as I got some small bottles (with alcohol, ai ^^) as a present. They were packed in this plastic bag (around DinA 5). I liked the bag and I wanted one out of paper. It had the perfect size for little presents...

You can see how it was made and how the secured the bag....

I just opened all the glue and all the tape so I got my stencil. Yes, it would also be easy to make one by yourself but this way you won't have to measure anything. I wouldn't buy a stencil for this but with a free one I love to use it ^^


I just cut out the paper and fold everythings...

...I folded the sides in the other direction because the will go inward in the finished bag. I also punched some holes in it for a ribbon (or whatever...).

For getting everything together I used two-sided adhesive tape. Easy to use and no mess at all! You can see in the picture below where I put the tape.

For the front I wanted to put another one of this tiny printed skeletal critters! (again from graphics fairy!) I glued some plastic on the front (some leftover from the packed bottles) and thought one of my little frames would be perfect to add...

..I just glued it on top.

I cut everything out. This time with a good scissor and NOT my paper knife! It would break (Yes, it did break, I tried... ^^) with plastic which is a little bit harder...!

And I glued everything on top on my little paper bag.

The oper paper bag....

The paper bag standing on one of my boards...

I love the little frame with the plastic! Just a miniature of a piture frame with glas. And yes, it has some reflections too!

PS: If someones wants the measurements, just ask and I'll take them for you :)