Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Wildling" - new octopus / kraken painting


The underground is the bottom of a wooden box (a leftover because I use the rest of the box without bottom as a rack). Painted with white acrylic paint, afterwards using a ball pen as well as water colours (aquarell) for the octopus / kraken.

At first just the sketch of the black ball pen on the acrylic background. I used a brush which made these hard lines into the paint so the colour of the wooden bottom comes through.

After that: layer after layer with water colours (in german: Aquarell... in english it seems that the normal school water colours as well as the artistic water colours which are highly pigmented are just called water colours.. although they are not the same :/ )

I used water colours so the black outlines may come through the colour! After drying one should fix the paint because water colours on acrylic paint is very damageable. But it is interesting to work with! Before the fixation you can wash it of again and again... just have to be careful not to destroy the first layers while painting over them.