People who know me know also how important these small island is to me. I won't go into this now - I just wouldn't know where to start and propably wouldn't find an end ^^ So let's just summarize: I love Formentera!
Therefore some designs from the island. Just a few... but I liked them. And they can be a good recource for inspiration.
At first this adorable bag from the store encantes (they have a lot of "indian" stuff, trash, kitsch... and a lot of alike stuff. starting from clothes to jewellery, further to endless variations of scarfs and decorational things... in the brightest colours!). I love the colours as well as the design of both sides.
The shape of the island is shown here :)
This signature with a lizard can be found on official sites, posts, etc. This is taken from a bus time table (made out of metal!).
There are a lot of tile pictures like this one. Some are really old, some are quite modern...
I like the goat, it is just cute!
More a plate than a tile but I think it counts nevertheless!
And a cover from the report of the island. The colours as well as the motive are quite beautiful!
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