Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Installation: And That’s the Way It Is

This massive installation projects transcripts of the new casts of reporter Walter Cronkite in a Matrix-style read out on the front the College of Communication at Walter Cronkite Plaza, on the campus of Cronkite's alma mater, The University of Texas at Austin.

To honor the Cronkite legacy, the College of Communication at The University of Texas at Austin dedicated the Walter Cronkite Plaza on Thursday, April 19, in front of the Jesse H. Jones Communication complex, near Dean Keeton Street and Whitis Avenue.

“And That’s the Way It Is,” an art installation by renowned new media artist Ben Rubin, is filmed in part in this video. The permanent art installation can be seen every evening from dusk to midnight and is projected on the front of the CMA building on campus at 2504 Whitis Avenue.

Cronkite attended UT from 1933 to 1935 and served as anchorman for the CBS Evening News from 1962-1981.

The digital art installation by media artist Ben Rubin entitled “And That’s the Way It Is,” is named for the iconic catchphrase used by Cronkite at the end of his news broadcasts. The piece was commissioned for the College of Communication by Landmarks, the University’s public art program, and will use lighting to display images and text from Cronkite’s news broadcasts, along with current news coverage, across the south side of the Communication Building.

Rubin said the purpose of the work is to both honor Cronkite and foster research regarding the differences between past and present news coverage.