Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cut the hair!

In this case: My hair!

This was the first step, just cutting the pony tail. You have to know that I already cut of about 25 cm some weeks ago! 

I went to italian hair cutters (on the spanish island Formentera in Sant Francesc). Although I don't like prejudices normally there is one which is more than true in this case: Italian hair cutters are really great ones! And they were really nice, sweet and comforting because I was so nervous cutting my long hair. My little sister said my hands were shaking (she took the pictures!). 

If you were ever on Formentera: Go to them! Even if it would be only for some styling. Both woman (and the trainee) are welcoming and you don't need a date: Just ask whether they have time. 

After the finished cut...

Yes, asymmetrical....!

On that day it was too late to get new red colour as well... but two days later my hair was a real red again!

Yes... after going by bike, being in the sun, swimming in the sea, being in the wind (behind me are the cliffs going down from cap de barbaria)... my hair is a little bit chaotic. But you can see the red in the evening sun :)

And... last but not least... my cut hair will go to locks of love as donation.  I had searched for a similar project in germany or europe but didn't found any so the hair will go all the way to canada. I am a little bit egoistic by taking part in this: I don't want to keep my hair but I also can't bear the thought of throwing it away! ;) Locks of love will take coloured hair as long as it is not bleached.