Saturday, June 4, 2011

Years ago... my old silver stuff...

For a short explanation: my uncle (the brother from my father's side) is a silver smith and his wife a gold smith. During the 9th class (school) I had to do a work experience for three weeks. My aunt had a shop and studio with another artist in a little and also one of the oldest quarter in bremen (it is called "Schnoor" ). 

I learned how to work with metal... cut, sand, solder... It made a lot of fun! This little lizard is my final piece I made during my time in her studio. My design, my work... I was soooo proud (and I still love it!). It is a hollow body made out of silver.

Oh... is this long ago... I mean, huh, I was fifteen! 

This were my first practises... (yea, I still have them all ^^) 

Only a little silver UFO pin is missing... *sniff*

This was a present for my 16th birthday. It was from my aunt and my grandma (from my german family part / father's side) together. My aunt made it after my design and my grandma got the stone... a gorgeous and big precious opal... (no, I don't want to now how much it cost)

You see, my love for cephalopodaes and tentacles is an old one ;)

I tried to catch the beautiful play of lights... but in reality it is more stunning and intense colours :)