Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More small stamps... one never comes alone!

Just some leftovers I played with. The little bug is around 1 cm long... so really my small leftovers ^^

There are some ideas in my mind which I want to realize for some prints / cards. On one hand I didn't found the time until now to realize them and on the other I was still missing some material... 

The reason for the ideas is simple: Centi send me one of her beautiful flower ornament cards... and I want to send her a card in return. You know... that is already some time ago but when something is in my head (with its teeths bitten deep into my neurons) there is no way for me around is.

@centi: I didn't forget your card, I am still trying to figure out how to realize my idea. Hope you don't mind?! *imagine big puppy eyes*