Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tentacle T-shirt!

This painted T-shirt was also part of the advent calender of my brother (like the "obey propaganda" T-shirt). Everone needs something with tentacles and since my sister already got her tentacles dress I though a tentacles T-shirt would be perfect for my brother (I hope he likes it :) ).

The different colours of the white are due to electric light vs. dark winter day light *sighs* I am hoping summer comes soon!

The procedure is the same for all fabrics I paint with stencils. I draw the tentacles free hand and then cut them out of freezer paper. I am carefull that every piece is connected with the others. And no, I never draw all the suckers anymore. I just add a little line for the height and then cut them freehand.

This was one of the teaser pictures for my advent calenders ^^

The cut stencil / freezer paper is then ironed onto the fabric and I just overlay the fabric with a gloves and my fingers! Better than any brush because you can work more carefully with your fingertips.

I had a basic layer of white and added some metallic blue but really only a little bit.

If your are layering different colours do so while all the colours are still wet! Otherwise the upper layer would not be connected to your fabric fibers and therefor could be washed out easily.

Oh, I will love the T-shirt when the colours are starting fading! Will look great :)

Did I ever mention that I need more tentacles for myself? ^^